Trailer: Hot Girls Wanted released on Netflix UK
David Farnor | On 01, Jun 2015
The documentary Hot Girls Wanted is now available worldwide on Netflix.
The film, which premiered in the US Documentary Competition at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival, joins the streaming service’s ever-expanding library of original non-fiction. As its title may suggest, though, this one is not like the others.
Directed by Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus and produced by Rashida Jones, Bauer, Gradus and Brittany Huckabee (also writer/editor), it explores the world of professional “amateur” porn – and the steady stream of 18+ young girls who cycle through it.
“I am so proud of this movie. Hot Girls Wanted manages to tell a very intimate story within the ubiquitous, multibillion dollar and thriving porn industry, a story that will resonate with audiences across the country,” said Jones when the VOD giant snapped up the rights this year.
“Netflix is the ideal partner for us; not only do they understand this film but they’re the perfect platform to reach the many people who need to see it.”
In the past decade, the proliferation of the Internet has brought significant shifts in the way porn is produced and consumed. Today, for many teenage girls, porn carries fewer taboos than it did for their parents’ generation. Directors Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus explore this uncharted territory and reveal a business reliant on Millennials who believe empowerment is synonymous with online notoriety.
The film follows one such girl, eager to leave small-town life in search of freedom and fame. With the click of a mouse she transforms from A-student to fledgling amateur actress. But as she and some of her new friends fall deeper into the darker corners of the Internet, and as new faces arrive daily, they’re forced to reconsider an increasingly dubious line of work.
Watch the trailer here: