My Watchlist
Ever read about a TV show and then forget where or when you can watch it? Our new watchlists are here to help.
Simply compile your own list of things you want to watch by clicking on “Add to my watchlist” at the bottom of any review you read on this site. Then, when you’re trying to remember what you wanted to watch, simply head to and you can see everything you’ve bookmarked to binge in one handy place.
Below are the TV shows and films currently saved to your watchlist. Just click on the individual title to see where you can watch it online, as well as read our take on it.
Don’t want something on your watchlist? Simply click “Remove from watchlist”, or to empty your watchlist completely, click “Clear watchlist”.
Nothing on your watchlist yet? See our guides to what’s new on Netflix UK, what’s recently arrived on Amazon Prime Video, our what’s new on Sky and NOW.
Looking for your next favourite box set? Check out our rundown of the must-see TV shows every month.