New Doctor Who Season 9 trailer
David Farnor | On 13, Aug 2015
Doctor Who Season 9 is just over a month away and, just in case you need something to pass the time, the BBC has released a new trailer for the series.
We’ve already had a glimpse of what’s in store for Peter Capaldi’s Doctor and Jenna Coleman’s Clara (Moffat and co. are making no secret of the fact that Missy is returning), but the new video adds more Maisie Williams, some heavy weaponry for Ms Oswald and – most intriguing of all – a shot of what looks to be Skaro to go with what we’ve seen of the Daleks. “Same old. Same old,” promises Capaldi. After the excellent Season 8, that can only be a good thing.
The new season kicks off on Saturday 19th September on BBC One. Here’s the full video: