Netflix UK review: Orange Is the New Black Season 2 Episode 4 (A Whole Other Hole)
Review Overview
8Chris Bryant | On 13, Jun 2014
Orange Is the New Black is one of the rare and cherished television shows that has the ability to turn the tables on any character and surprise the adoring audience. When not dealing with the delicate specifics of female anatomy, this episode – written by Sian Heder – shows us a new side of Lorna Morello.
Portrayed by Yael Stone, both of them New Yorkers to the core, Morello appears in most episodes without contributing much to the outcome. We know where her loyalties lie, but haven’t seen her act on them much so far. Optimistic, betrothed and bright-lipped, she has always been shown in a light that ensures she’s liked by the viewer. Even in her flashbacks, she returns from re-watching Twilight to sit in her room – adorned with boy band posters, cut-out hearts around her favourites – and try on expensive new shoes. In Episode Four, however, Heder decides to offer Lorna a third dimension. A dimension Stone grabs eagerly.
Contributing to the episode’s title (A Whole Other Hole), Poussey creates a female urination device, which, naturally, raises some questions. Ignoring their new leader, they begin discussing the intricate workings of their own vaginas. Sharply written and in true Orange style, the conversation may entertain the viewers, but it does little for Vee. Asking questions about contraband and illegal alcohol, her plan becomes a little clearer, though how she’ll execute it with such an unruly band of amateur gynecologists is yet to be seen.
Elsewhere in The Litch, Chapman is reassigned to her new bunk and even while her new cellmate may be unhappy at the pairing, the audience will love it. It’s proof that the writers, as a team, have tremendous respect for Kohan’s creation as well the people watching; when the cellmates are seen together, everyone knows something excellent is going to happen.
Meanwhile, after too long, Red realises how much she’s lost. With no contraband business and no apologies, she has no friends. After being advised to give in and pick a hobby, she does exactly that: she decides to take up gardening. However, even as she delivers the news, Kate Mulgrew’s character oozes plots. Aware that Vee is starting up her own contraband business, it’s hinted at that Red is planning to do the same.
Can Red’s puzzle-solving mind compete with Vee’s manipulated loyalty? Can Piper survive with her new cellmate? Can Poussey successfully urinate while standing to avoid the cold toilet seat?
Whatever happens, Orange is in full swing and still illuminating the darkness of prison with the humour and community that ensured it attained a second season.