Spoiler Podcast Special: Jessica Jones (Episodes 1 to 5)
David Farnor | On 20, Nov 2015
Woke up in a living room surrounded by whiskey, comic books and a lot of purple objects? Don’t worry. You’ve probably just spent the last 12 hours binge-watching Jessica Jones on Netflix, because Kilgrave made you do it.
Luckily, we’ve done exactly the same thing – and Jo Bromilow and Ivan Radford have teamed up to record their thoughts on the first five episodes to help us deal with the trauma. So if you’re up to or past Episode 5, listen to our Spoiler Podcast Special, as PODzilla returns for a one-off superhero special. Did we mention the spoilers?
How are you finding Jessica Jones so far? As this is officially a Spoiler Zone, leave your spoilery comments below! (Everyone else, if you’ve only watched Episode 1, or haven’t even started yet, look away. And, more specially, look this way at our spoiler-free review.)
You can play the podcast below, or click here to subscribe in iTunes.