Listen Up Philip available to watch online on We Are Colony with 200mins of exclusive special features
David Farnor | On 20, Nov 2015
Listen Up Philip is available watch online today in a new special edition digital release.
Premiering at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival, writer-director Alex Ross Perry’s complex, intimate, and highly idiosyncratic comedy stars Jason Schwartzman as semi-failed writer, Philip. It’s a tour de force of douchebaggery: his jackets are tight and constrictive, his eyes are dead and uninterested, and his speech is hilariously abrupt. If you met him in the street, it would only be a matter of time until you punched him in the beard.
Schwartzman is joined on screen by an impressive cast that includes Elisabeth Moss, Krysten Ritter, and Jonathan Pryce. When Philip’s idol Ike Zimmerman (Pryce) offers his isolated summer home as a refuge for the author, he finally gets the peace and quiet to focus on his favourite subject — himself.
The film, which we described as “obnoxious, awkward and highly, highly amusing”, was released day-and-date in cinemas and on VOD earlier this year, but now a new edition of the movie has been released. The special features are available exclusively on We Are Colony, a new global film streaming platform that bundles films with behind-the-scenes content. Listen Up Philip’s 241 minutes of bonus content include a Conversation Between Alex Ross Perry & Sean Price Williams, a 65-minute film created exclusively for its special edition release, as well as a “Making of” documentary, feature-length audio commentary with writer/director Alex Ross Perry, nine deleted scenes and a gallery of film stills.
For more on the film, here’s our review – or read on for an exclusive behind-the-scenes teaser from the “Making of” featurette: