Breaking BAFTA? Online shows to be eligible for 2014 awards
David Farnor | On 01, Oct 2013
And the BAFTA goes to… House of Cards?
Online TV shows will be eligible for BAFTAs at next year’s awards ceremony, it has been announced.
The academy has changed its rules for the awards to allow US TV shows online available online in the UK to compete against British dramas and comedies broadcast on regular television.
The change, announced today, will see shows such as Breaking Bad and House of Cards eligible for the British awards, marking a major shift in industry attitudes.
Across the Atlantic, the Emmys nominated House of Cards for Oustanding Drama this year, the first time a show from a web-based broadcaster had been picked for the prize. Now, BAFTA are following suit, putting Breaking Bad up against Broadchurch and Arrested Development against Doctor Who.
The only condition for shows is that they were first broadcast online, via Netflix or other methods, within the eligibility period: between 1st January and 31st December of the previous year.
It is not the only change BAFTA has announced: from 2014 onwards, the comedy category will also include panel shows and chat shows. The landmark move, though, is the recognition of web TV, as VOD services become an increasingly mainstream figure in both UK and US viewing habits.
BAFTA Chief Executive Amanda Berry told The Guardian: “We continually strive to ensure our awards remain relevant to the industry, as well as reflecting the trends among the viewing public.
“We’re in a golden era for storytelling and programme-making, with top-class shows being broadcast online as well as on digital and terrestrial television; the latest update to our rules ensures we celebrate and reward the very best.”